Sat, 14 Jan
|10字樓, E & F室,荃灣青山公路459-469號華力工業中心;10th floor, Suite F, Wah Lik Industrial Centre, 459 Castle Peak Rd - Tsuen Wan, Chai Wan Kok, Hong Kong
人際內觀2日工作坊——慧談中探討生死 Death And The Deathless: 2-Day Insight Dialogue Weekend workshop
三年來的新冠疫情令我們認識到生命的脆弱。我們邀請您參加這個兩天的工作坊,以人際間的內觀——慧談去靜思生死。With the global pandemic of Covid-19, millions of people lost their lives. Death may happen to someone we know any time. Join us to learn how to mindfully contemplate Death with the support of others in this workshop led by Dave Leggatt.
時間及地點 Time & Location
14 Jan 2023, 9:10 am – 15 Jan 2023, 4:40 pm
10字樓, E & F室,荃灣青山公路459-469號華力工業中心;10th floor, Suite F, Wah Lik Industrial Centre, 459 Castle Peak Rd - Tsuen Wan, Chai Wan Kok, Hong Kong
活動詳情 About The Event
Please scroll down for the English event description.
新冠疫情席捲全球,可能有身邊的親友已離世,死亡不再是遙遠的事情。Dave 老師年近80, 他的妻子在2021年離世。他以親身的人生經驗,用人際內觀的修習方法——慧談,帶領我們在彼此的支持下打開新視角,學習用不同的方法面對生死。
週六,1月14日:上午 9:15 - 12pm:人際內觀——慧談簡介,及修習其“暫停”,“放鬆”兩個指引,並探詢及靜思死亡。
週六,1月14日:下午1:45 - 4:45pm:修習慧談指引“開放”及“隨觀呈現”,並探詢及靜思如何面對臨終的過程。
週日,1月15日:上午 9:15 - 12pm:修習慧談指引“深度聆聽”及“說出真意”,探詢生命、靜思“我是怎麼成為現在的我”。
週日,1月15日:下午1:45 - 4:45pm:運用所有慧談六個指引,探討喪親後自我關懷。分享及問答。
查詢:whatsapp 92890604
戴夫·萊格特 (Dave Leggatt) 来自加拿大,修習內觀多年。他於 2011 年開始修習慧談,並於 2016 年進行推廣和教學。Dave重視善友們之間的相互支持,並宣導及推廣在生活中踐行八正道。他也喜歡為自己和他人拓展實踐的界限,為廣泛支持全球慧談活動不遺餘力。
In this two day course we will make the journey from birth to death and beyond using the practice of Insight Dialogue and the support of a partner to guide us along the way. Learn new ways of being with death and the dying and discover new ways of seeing yourself in this life.
Session 1 Jan 14, 9:15am to 12:00pm – Introduction to Insight Dialogue and practice with the Insight Guidelines Pause and Relax. Sharing our thoughts and experience around death.
Session 2 Jan 14, 1:45pm to 4:45pm – Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines Open and Attune to Emergence. Contemplating how to be present with the dying.
Session 3 Jan 15, Sunday, 9:15am to 12:00pm – Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines Listen Deeply, Speak the Truth. Contemplating birth and how we became who we are.
Session 4 Jan 15 Sunday, 1:45pm to 4:45pm – Practicing with all the guidelines. Contemplating Grief and caring for ourselves after the death of a loved one. An open sharing of our experiences and question and answer.
Language:English wtih Cantonese translation
Fee:donations to the teacher and for the venue rental fee are welcome.
Inquiry: 94542582
Teacher Bio
Dave Leggatt practiced in the Vipassana tradition for many years. He was introduced to Insight Dialogue in 2011 and joined the Insight Dialogue facilitator program in 2016. Since then Dave has been facilitating and teaching in-person workshops, retreats and online offerings. Aware of the importance of spiritual friendship and the power of Insight Dialogue practiced in daily life, he enjoys expanding the boundaries of practice for himself and others. He founded the annual Kalyanamittata retreat and offers practice in the global Insight Dialogue community. He is active on a number of community teams. Dave lives in Toronto, Canada.