莫哥内觀禪修營(日營) Insight Meditation Retreat (Daytime Visitor)
Mon, 02 Sept
|賽馬會元朗康樂中心 HKJC YuenLong RecreationCentre
緬甸内觀禪大師昂山長老襌修營 Led by renowned Aung San Sayadaw of the Mogok tradition of Myanmar.
時間及地點 Time & Location
02 Sept 2019, 9:00 am – 07 Sept 2019, 5:00 pm
賽馬會元朗康樂中心 HKJC YuenLong RecreationCentre, 元朗屏山屏山里 Ping Shan Lane, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong
活動詳情 About The Event
(Full English details provided below Chinese text)
我們很榮幸邀請到緬甸莫哥(Mogok)禪法大禪師– 昂山禪師於九月一日至八日來港教授緣起法及四念處禪法。莫哥禪法為近代緬甸最為普及的內觀襌法之一,它著重以解行並重的方法教授佛法佛法核心教義——緣起法從而建立正見為首,隨之以四念處禪修為實踐之道。這個教法無論對於初學想有系統地瞭解佛法,同時也學習禪修;或有禪修經驗想進一步學習運用四念處觀當下緣起法都適合。昂山禪師教法智慧善巧,慈悲感人,就算對於初學,也能深入淺出地講解殊勝法義,使大家受益。
參加禪修營類別及費用– 費用僅包含住宿費,食物及供養禪師費用隨喜捐助。
- 参加全程: 報名表鏈接
- 日營: HK$40每人每天。爲了不干擾原有參加者,日營參加者需要9:00am到達營地及下午5時離營。
昂山禪師1947年出生於緬甸,自小出家。跟隨緬甸許多著名的長老學習三藏經典。禪修方面,參學孫倫禪法、馬哈希四念處禪法,以及莫哥禪法,具有豐富的毘婆舍那(內觀)禪修經驗。1984年,在莫哥禪修中心的認可之下,始擔任為禪修指導師,從25個參加者發展至最多5000位參加者的禪修營。並榮獲緬甸政府頒發的最高大禪師及「傑出成就獎」,2016年泰國朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn University)頒贈「毘婆舍那禪法榮譽博士」,2018年斯里蘭卡政府頒發「示明莊嚴業處禪法指導傑出獎」。昂山禪師深得緬甸政府的支持與肯定,目前在緬甸主要有四大禪修中心,並撰寫20多本有關緣起法的禪修書籍。其中《Buddha’s way of immortal medicine》這一本英譯禪修方法書籍,是目前泰國朱拉隆功大學碩士班學生的必學教課書。
除了在緬甸,從1996年開始昂山禪師更在泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞、印度、尼泊爾、中國、台灣、香港、英國、美國、 加拿⼤、斯里蘭卡、澳洲等多個國家和地區弘揚禪法。2015年12⽉及2017年,昂⼭禪師親赴香港,參加「喜悅⼈生、⾃在⽣命」- 漢、南、藏三⼤語系佛教領袖「慈悲與智慧」對話論壇。2017年,昂⼭禪師在中國江⻄寶峰寺舉⾏七⽇禪修營,及2018年在台灣舉⾏禪七,令中國禪修者初識十⼆緣起法的理論與實踐,對禪法有較全⾯的瞭解,法喜充滿。
We are delighted to inform you that the Venerable Aung San Sayadaw of the Mogok Vipassana tradition of Myanmar will come to Hong Kong to conduct an eight-day silent retreat from Sept 1-8.
Mogok’s tradition stresses the importance of intellectual understanding of the Buddha’s teaching, and establishing the right view before actual meditation practice. In the retreat, the core teachings of the Buddha’s teachings of five-aggregates, 18 elements, Four Noble Truth and the cycle of Dependent Origination will be taught, showing how through cause and effect, craving and desires keep us trapped in the rounds of becoming and suffering. Meditation is then developed based on this prior understanding. The meditation will be conducted in developing the stability of the mind through mindfulness of breathing during sitting meditation; body scan during standing meditation and walking meditation. When the mind becomes stable, then Insight Meditation (Vipassana) will be practiced in the domain of bodily phenomena, feelings and mental activities.
This retreat offers an excellent opportunity for people who wish to combine learning Buddhist theory with practicing meditation. The retreat will be conducted in a traditional Buddhist way which includes prostration and chanting in addition to the meditation practice.
Location:Jockey Club Yuen Long Recreation Center
Language:Burmese translated to Mandarin, Cantonese and English
Application Deadline:20th August, 2019. This You are welcome to apply for residential silent retreat or day time drop-ins.
Retreat types and costs:-
- Entire 8-day / 7-night duration with lodging: Please apply for the full retreat using this link
- Day attendees (non-residential): HK$40 per day deposit required. Day visitors will be required to arrive before 9:00am and will be expected to stay until 5pm. This is in order to minimise disruption to the resident attendees.
The deposits listed here only cover the lodging and day to day use of the centre. Donations to the teacher as well as donations towards the cost of food will be gratefully accepted on a voluntary donation basis.
Please ensure you have read the Fa Hong Monastery Code Of Conduct guidelines
Aung San Sayadaw
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Saddhamma Kittisara, was trained in Buddhist scriptures and Vipassana meditation by eminent teachers in Myanmar belonging to different traditions. In 1984, he became a patron of Mogoke Vipassana Sub-center (77) in Yangon. The center is fully developed under his great effort; almost 6000 Yogis of various classes stay and practice the Mogoke way of Vipassana meditation in it every year.
Aung San Sayadaw has also written manuals on Vipassana Vision, Light of Truth, Fundamentals of Vipassana, Discourse on Peace, Buddha's Way of Immortal Medicine, and a Short-Cut to Dependent Origination and many others translated into different languages. He teaches and conducts retreats in Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Malaysia and the greater China region. In 1999, he was conferred the title of Mahakammatthanacariya and in 2009, the title of Aggamahakammatthanacariya by the Government.