[ARCHIVE] 清明三日馬哈希四念處禪修營 3-Day Ching Ming Mahasi Meditation Retreat
Thu, 01 Feb
|Hong Kong
From HKIMS v2.0 WP site migration. Retaining in case the copy and words are useful for future events.
時間及地點 Time & Location
01 Feb 2018, 7:00 pm
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
活動詳情 About The Event
For English, please scroll down.
本會很榮幸請到緬甸的資深禪修導師,戒女杜.察魯(Sayalay Daw Caru Dassini),蒞臨香港指導三日緬甸馬哈希大師傳承的毗婆舍那(內觀)禪修營.她出家為尼逾20年,曾經跟隨緬甸班迪達大師(Sayadaw U Pandita)學習毗婆舍那禪法及隨行翻譯超過二十年,並獲得緬甸政府頒發的法阿闍黎學位(即佛法教授師),她現在每年受邀到泰國、台灣及美國等地指導和主持禪修營、佛教文化班及講解佛教心理學阿毗達摩.她精通南傳三藏,能說流利的緬甸語、尼泊爾語及英語.
日期: 2016年4月2日-4月4日 (不是5號,抱歉)
地點: 大嶼山 法航精舍
語言: 英語教授 粵語翻譯
費用: 隨喜
在線報名 : http://hkims.org/2016mahasiretreat-chi/
查詢電話: 62191998
關於禪修營,請瀏覽 http://hkims.org/%E9%97%9C%E6%96%BC%E6%88%91%E5%80%91/%E6%B3%95%E8%88%AA%E7%B2%BE%E8%88%8D/
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to invite Burmese meditation teacher Sayalay Daw Caru Dassini to lead a 3-day Mahasi vipassana retreat. Sayalay ordained 20 years ago and was once a student of Sayadaw U Pandita, studying Vipassana under the master and translating for him for over 20 years. She is also awarded a Buddhist professorship by the Burmese government and leads retreats and classes every year in Thailand, Taiwan, and the US, including classes on Buddhist psychology the Abhidhamma. An expert in the Theravadan Tripitaka, Sayalay Dassini speaks fluent Burmese, Nepali, and English.
Date: April 2nd to April 4th, 2016 (NOT 5th, sorry for the mistake)
Location: Fa Hong Monastery, Lantau Island
Language: English with Cantonese translation
Fee: Donation-based
Registration: http://hkims.org/en/2016mahasiretreat-en/
Deadline for Application: March 28th
Inquiry: 6219 1998
In addition, we need volunteers to help prepare the retreat on April 1st, we will be pleased to hear from you at 6219 1998
For resident retreat information, please refer to http://hkims.org/en/about-us/fa-hong-monastery/
About Mahasi Tradition:
The Mahasi tradition is one of Burma’s most popular meditation methods. It’s a systematic way of observing mind and body processes to understand defilements and the cause of the arising of the defilements, leading to the cessation of defilements to realize non-attachment and non-self.
Noble silence will be observed throughout the retreat. Breakfast, lunch, and very light dinner/refreshment with fruits are provided in the evening.