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2018 端午節四念住禪修營 Dragon Boat Festival 3-Day Mindfulness Retreat (1)

Fri, 07 Sept


法航精舍 Fa Hong Monastery

三天的正念禪修帶給你内心的清涼 Relax the mind with three days of mindfulness practice

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 2018 端午節四念住禪修營 Dragon Boat Festival 3-Day Mindfulness Retreat (1)
 2018 端午節四念住禪修營 Dragon Boat Festival 3-Day Mindfulness Retreat (1)

時間及地點 Time & Location

07 Sept 2018, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

法航精舍 Fa Hong Monastery, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

活動詳情 About The Event

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本會將于6月16日舉辦三日四念處禪修營。 屆時我們將學習並練習以『四念住』為基礎的正念禪修方法。 學習以正見、正確的態度來觀察、審查心的現象, 開展出內在的洞察力,洞悉身、心、情绪等之間的關係, 並把這種覺知與洞察力帶到日常生活中, 讓禪修者無論在禪營或日常生活中都能如實觀察了解自己, 培育正念及智慧。請大家踴躍參加!


關於禪修營,請瀏覽 Fa Hong


集合時間: 9am, 6月16日, 2018

禪修地點大嶼山 地塘仔 法航精舍

禪營結束: 4pm, 6月18日, 2018



查詢:62191998 /

截止報名日期:12/6 (額滿即止)

另外徵集義工提前一日(6月15日)上山幫忙準備本次禪修營, 及6月19 日幫忙結營。志願者請聯繋62191998。




Dear Friends,

First, we would like to inform you that thanks to the generosity of many, the Fa Hong Electricity Upgrade and air-conditioning installation project will be completed in early June. The following activity will be conducted from the benefit of all the support we receive.

Please join us for a 3-day Mindfulness Meditation retreat over the Dragon Boat Festival from June 16th to June 18th. In the retreat, we will give instructions on how to practice mindfulness meditation with the right view and right attitude. Practitioners are encouraged to be aware of the presently arising mind and body phenomena throughout the day in any posture. The purpose is to develop understanding of mind with naturally cultivated mindfulness in an environment similar to our daily life.

Format: Sitting and walking meditation will be alternately carried out throughout the day with a flexible schedule. Noble silent is observed throughout. Breakfast, lunch, and refreshment with fruits are provided in the evening.

For resident retreat information, please refer to Fa Hong

Gathering location: #23 (for Ngong Ping) bus stop, Tung Chung Temporary Bus Terminus

Gathering time: 9am, June 16, 2018

Retreat location: Fa Hong Monastery

Teacher: Jessica Mui

Cost: Donation-based

Language: English

Inquiry: 62191998 /

In addition, we need volunteers to help prepare the retreat on June 15th and closing on June 19th, we will be pleased to hear from you at 62191998.

With metta,


This event is suitable for beginners.

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