English Insight Dialogue Zoom Practice
Fortnightly Thursdays
8:00pm - 9:30pm

Drop-in sessions are open to anyone with prior silent meditation practice experience and prior Insight Dialogue practice experience (e.g., participation in an Insight Dialogue retreat or introductory Insight Dialogue course). You may join this drop-in group once, occasionally, or every week; it’s up to you.
Session format includes silent practice, a contemplation offered by the facilitators, and Insight Dialogue practice. The online session will take place via Zoom (web video conferencing). You will receive information about Zoom and a link to the meeting after you join the whatsapp group.
Insight Dialogue Drop In Group Agreements
We come together in Insight Dialogue/mindfulness in dialogue practice to cultivate mindfulness, wisdom and kindness, both individually and as a community of spiritual friends.
To support these objectives, we make use of the Insight Dialogue Guidelines, and also observe the following behaviours:
We include all voices, while respecting our different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.
We create a non-judgemental space by speaking solely and directly from our own experience. Where judgements arise, internally and relationally, we meet these with mindfulness and kindness.
We encourage and allow space for full participation by all who are present. If we tend to speak often, then we allow others to speak, and vice versa.
We refrain from offering advice or solutions to another.
We practice being fully present and minimizing distractions for ourselves and others - for example, finding a still and quiet environment to join the practice, reducing disturbances from other people and digital interruptions.
We show up on time and end on time.
We guard confidentiality both inside and outside the contemplations and big group sharing.
We practice generosity by offering support to the community through donations, service or other offerings in kind.
You are invited to contact the organisers of your practice group if you have any questions or feedback about these agreements, or about your experience in your group