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New To Meditation?

If you are brand new to meditation and want to learn more, we recommend the following events and resources to begin with.

Read and explore

Visit and explore the articles aimed at Beginners in our Guides and Articles section - here you will find down to earth, easy to understand introductions and instructions for first time meditators.  Some articles are written by members of HKIMS, whilst others are linked to or quoted from other well known established teachers.

Attend and practice

We strongly encourage you to consider attending a regular class or short retreat in order to learn from experienced meditators and teachers, and to practice in a group context.  Here are some regular events suitable for complete beginners.

  1. HKIMS run monthly one-day (9am-5pm) Saturday retreats approximately once per month.  These are often teacher-led and if so, these are ideal for beginners first embarking on the journey of practice.  Visit our Upcoming Retreats and Events section for details and registration for the next one-day retreat.

  2. HKIMS have a weekly group meditation practice sitting every Monday evening from 7:30-9:30pm at a borrowed space within the Integrated Medicine Institute in Central.  This event is ordinarily aimed at established meditators (practitioners who have some experience with meditation practice) and is self-run by established members.  However, once or twice a month, the sitting is lead by a teacher and on these occasions, beginners are very welcome and encouraged to join. Find out more here.

  3. The Integrated Medicine Institute in Central run a beginners meditation class from 6:15-7:15pm every Monday evening, just before the HKIMS weekly group meditation practice.  For full details visit IMI's website.

We hope you find some useful resources as well as groups to join that you find beneficial to developing your practice. Feel free to contact us if you have any other queries or questions.


If you are able to read Chinese or speak Cantonese, we also have other relevant Chinese beginners tips for you as well.




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© 2018 香港慧觀禪修會 - 慈善機構 

The Hong Kong Insight Meditation Society - a Hong Kong registered charity

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