See for Yourself - An Introduction to Buddhism
Sat, 24 Aug
|Zoom meetings
A 6-week online course exploring fundamental teachings of the Buddha.

時間及地點 Time & Location
24 Aug 2024, 8:00 am – 05 Oct 2024, 9:30 am
Zoom meetings
活動詳情 About The Event
Based on the early teachings of the Buddha in the Theravada tradition, this course is an invitation to explore and understand these teachings for ourselves.
The course consists of 6 sessions. The sessions are scheduled for Saturdays, 24th and 31st August, 7th, 21st, 28th September, and 5th October 2024, from 8 to 9:30 am.
Questions and topics that we may explore include:
- Why is life sometimes so hard?
- Is there a path to lasting peace and happiness?
- What did the Buddha teach? How do I apply it to my life? Where do I begin?
We will see what the Buddha had to say in response to these questions and introduce his key teachings including the Four Noble Truths, the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dhamma Sangha), the Eightfold Path, the 3 roots and 3 marks of existence.
One key aspect of the Buddha’s teachings is not to simply take things on blind faith, but to test and see, for ourselves, through our lived experience and practice. So in this course, you will be learning through self study, reflection and daily life application. And together as a group, we will continue learning and investigating through group discussions and sharing.
This course invites you into an embodied learning based upon internal understanding, rather than purely knowledge or intellect. The facilitators will be there to support and inspire you, more than to teach you.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who is interested in the Buddha’s teachings, regardless of current level of knowledge or experience.
Participants will
- Be committed to attend all sessions
- Expect to set aside at least 1-2 hours a week for further reading and reflection
- Review and agree to practice in line with our course agreements
This course is offered freely in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings. Participants will be invited to practice generosity (Dana) if they would like to support HKIMS and/or the facilitators.
About the Teachers:
Eva Li is a long time mindfulness meditation practitioner and HKIMS volunteer. Over the years, you might have met her at Fa Hong Monastery as a fellow retreat participant, retreat support volunteer, retreat manager or a cook. Eva has a strong interest in the Buddha's teaching and aspires to deepen her understanding through her own learning, practice and sharing with others.
Genevieve Heng (she/her) is a Mindfulness Teacher and Insight Dialogue facilitator. Her personal practice is inspired and influenced by the path of the Buddha and his original teachings. She shares the living practices of Mindfulness and Kindness to support greater peace, freedom, well-being, kindness and wisdom. Gen is a qualified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, certified by the Awareness Training Institute (in partnership with the University of California at Berkeley) and a listed teacher of the Hong Kong Mindfulness Teachers Network.