2018年12月 一日禪 December One-Day Retreat
Sat, 15 Dec
|生活書院 School of Everyday Life
由淨行導師帶領的慈心/內觀一日禪將於大埔生活書院舉行。英文講授,粵語翻譯。 本活動適合初學者。 Metta (Lovingkindness) and Vipassana (Insight) meditation retreat led by Visu Teoh at the School of Everyday Life, Tai Po. Retreat conducted in English, with Cantonese translation, and is suitable for beginners.

時間及地點 Time & Location
15 Dec 2018, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
生活書院 School of Everyday Life, 新界大埔錦山178號/前佛教大光中學 178 Kam Shan Rd, Tai Po, Hong Kong
活動詳情 About The Event
English description follows below Chinese description
本會將舉辦由淨行導師 Visu Teoh 主持慈心/內觀一日禪。培育慈心為我們帶來不一樣的生活品質。
費 用 : 隨喜捐助禪修活動經費
集合時間 : 9:00am前
集合地點 : 太和火車站A出口
淨行導師 (Visu Teoh)生於馬來西亞檳城,曾當記者十二年及出家十七年至2003年,為當地著名禪修中心住持。1982年開始在緬甸跟隨U Pandita及Sujiva等大師修習內觀智慧禪。近年於馬來西亞、新加坡、斯裡蘭卡、澳洲、義大利、捷克及香港各地開示佛法及指導禪修。導師優雅、豁達、睿智。他的著作包括《Curbing Anger Spreading Love》、《Loving and Dying》、《Hello with love and othermeditations》、《Metta – the practice of lovingkindness for a happier life》、《Drinking Tea Living Life》等。
Please join us on a 1-day Metta (Lovingkindness) and Vipassana (Insight) Meditation retreat led by Visu Teoh.
As well as Vipassana practice, the Buddha taught the importance to always practice Metta and kindness. Metta is a Pali word that means goodwill, Lovingkindness, friendliness. It is a one of four divine ways of abiding. Lovingkindness is unconditional love and friendliness towards all beings. It makes no distinction between any living being. The highest aspiration mentioned in the Lovingkindness discourse is that one loves all beings just as a mother loves her only child - but of course, first, we have to be skilled at developing it towards ourselves.
By cultivating compassion, we can treat ourselves and others kindly and know how to use the supple forgiving heart to accept ourselves and others, leading us to live our daily lives harmoniously and with ease of mind. The Buddha also spoke about eleven benefits of practicing Metta, such as; sleeping easily, dreaming no evil dreams, beloved by all beings and devas, neither fire poison nor weapons can harm us, that one’s mind gains concentration quickly, etc.
Cost: Voluntary donations
This event is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Retreat conducted in English, with Cantonese translation.
Gathering time: by 9am
Gathering location: Exit A, Tai Wo MTR Station, New Territories
Chairs are available at the venue. For meditators who would like to sit on the floor, the venue has basic hard seating blocks but we recommend you also bring your own yoga / meditation mats and cushions for seating on the ground.
About the teacher
Visu was born in Penang, Malaysia, in 1953. He was a journalist for 12 years and later a Buddhist monk for 17 years before he resumed the lay life in 2003. He has been practicing meditation since 1982 and has studied with various teachers including the Myanmar meditation master Sayadaw U Pandita (author of ‘In this very life: The liberation teachings of the Buddha’) and Ven Sujiva of Malaysia (author of ‘Essentials of Insight Meditation’ and other books). Visu Teoh has led retreats in Asia, Australia, and Europe. He travels to teach meditation and Dhamma with his wife, Barbara. He is the author of several books including ‘Curbing Anger Spreading Love,’ ‘Loving and Dying,’ ‘Hello with love and other meditations’ and ‘Metta – the practice of lovingkindness for a happier life.’